Rise To Liberty
With modern society’s creeping despotism, you, the individual, have never been more crucial. Without the danger of violence or compulsion, people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Virtues that we all have a right to are under threat. Hello and welcome to the Rise To Liberty Podcast. Join us each week as we explore what liberty is, why you should care about it, who values it, and who despises it. We’ll push boundaries, address controversies, and question narratives. We’ll talk about how to not only protect and preserve your rights, but also how to prosper with them. We are living in grim times, yet things are not hopeless. There is no happiness without liberty. There is no life without liberty. It is now time for you to Rise To Liberty!
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
- Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links
- RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home
- Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store
- RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee
- RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble
- RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech
- RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com
- AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio
- Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
#Utah #Libertarian #BradGreen I sit down with Brad Green, the Libertarian Party of Utah endorsed candidate running for United States House of Representatives from Utah's second Congressional District. Born & raised in Utah, Brad has a deep love & respect for this beautiful state. Many people see the issues the state of Utah is facing. Many feel that Utah has lost it's connection to the liberty centric & rebellious spirt that made it such a great place to live. Before we can heal our wounds we must first return to the baseline of following & upholding the original intent of the US Constitution, which is the supreme law of the US. Brad's campaign website defines the act of upholding the "original intent" of the US Constitution as: "fighting for a constitutionally-limited federal government; separation of powers; co-equal branches of government; and a respect for the sovereignty of these United States." In a de facto one party state government, it is past time to look & listen to options outside of the "business as usual" party that continues to act in the interest of their party & it's survival, which has been proven more often than not to be contrary to the interests of the very voters they pretend to represent. Enough is enough. It is time for a change. That change begins with Brad Green. For more information, to donate, or contact Brad make sure to click the links below! ---------------------- GUEST LINKS: - Brad's Campaign Website: www.BradGreen4Utah.com- Donate To Brad's Campaign Here: pay.BradGreen4Utah.com- Contact Brad By Email: brad@bradgreen4utah.com - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bradgreen4utah- Twitter: www.twitter.com/bradgreenutah- Instagram: www.instagram.com/bradgreenutah- TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@bradgreenutah --------------------------------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr#BreakYourProgramming #RiseToLiberty
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
- Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links
- RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home
- Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store
- RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee
- RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble
- RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech
- RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com
- AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio
- Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
#RiseToLiberty #GEdwardGriffin #TheCreatureFromJekyllIsland #CreatureFromJekyllIsland #JekyllIsland #FractionalReserveBanking #NationalizedBank #FiatCurrency #Inflation #Economy #Bullion #Banking #Silver #Gold #Individualism #WakeUp #individual #Liberty #Vaccines #RightVersusLeft #GreatReset #DigitalCurrency #CBDC #GovernmentControl Due to a series of unfortunate technological complications, my first time meeting & interviewing Mr. Griffin was rocky. He had promised to come back and make it up to all the listeners & now is that time! Get ready for a discussion you won’t want to miss! Renowned author & documentary filmmaker, G. Edward Griffin will be joining me for a second round. Known for such works as The Creature From Jekyll Island, World Without Cancer, No Place to Hide, More Deadly Than War, The Grand Design, & so many more. Mr. Griffin has an extraordinary talent in researching very difficult topics then presenting them in a clear & simple manner that all can understand the nuances & complexities of these topics. I myself have been deeply effected by Mr. Griffin’s work. Reading his book, The Creature From Jekyll Island, which was loaned to me by a friend, altered the course of my life forever. It is a true honor to host such a influential individual, especially for a second time. So come join both of us, share our conversation with anyone and everyone close in your life. We are on the verge of losing everything that makes life wonderful. Arming ourselves with knowledge can prevent that loss. Spread this information around as far as you can. If we don’t, we might not ever be able to live free again. ————— GUEST LINKS: Red Pill University: https://redpilluniversity.org Freedom Force International: https://freedomforceinternational.org Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gedward_griffin/?hl=en The Creature From Jekyll Island: https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Published-Griffin/dp/B00NBJGFD8?ref_=ast_sto_dp ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
**DISCLAIMER** Nothing in this podcast episode is medical advice. I believe my audience is intelligent enough to be exposed to different ideas & be able to make up their own mind. You are not children. Don't expect me to hold your hand. Use your brain & make your own choice. Enjoy.Christopher Key has spent his entire life standing up for his beliefs even in the face of public pushback. He is guided by a strong drive to do what is right for humanity and stand by his deepest beliefs. As a health advocate, patriot, and disciple of Jesus, Christopher participates and organizes peaceful protests that call out the injustices from the government and greedy corporations.Christopher has been featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated and helps professional athletes and everyday people pursue better health without drugs, chemicals, and surgery. If you found this valuable in anyway, make sure to hit the like, subscribe, & share it with someone. Make sure to check out our guest's link below!------------- GUEST LINKS: Website: https://www.vaccine-police.com Website: https://www.getigf1.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/realvaccinepolice/ ------------ RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS:- Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com- AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio- Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Jeremy Ryan Slate is the host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world. He studied literature at Oxford University, as well as holding a Master’s in Early Roman Empire Propaganda from Seton Hall University. His podcast was named the #1 Podcast to Listen To by INC Magazine in 2019, as well as Top 40 Under 40 by Podcast Magazine in 2022. Jeremy and his wife, Brielle, co-founded Command Your Brand—a new media public relations agency designed to help entrepreneurs share their message by appearing as guests on podcasts. He resides in Stillwater, NJ where he raises chickens and is a former competitive powerlifter.------------- GUEST LINKS: Website: https://commandyourbrand.com/ Website: https://www.jeremyryanslate.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeremyRyanSlate Facebook: www.facebook.com/Jeremyryanslate/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeremyryanslate/ Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-ryan-slate-bb7b284a/ -------------RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Day two of the Libertarian Party of Utah state convention 2023 with our guest speaker Jeremy Cordon of Goldback Inc. Jeremy discusses the importance & utility of Goldback's. Make sure to get your's today!
- Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links
- RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home
- Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store
- RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee
- RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble
- RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech
- RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com
- AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio
- Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
I sit down with Mark Emerson, one half of a father son team, who has dedicated time & energy to providing a solution to the massive failure known as education in the US. Mark & Jonathan have created AlgebraVictory, a specialization in the education of mathematics. This creative & out of the box solution is designed to benefit not only children but math teachers & all of society. When children have a proper education in mathematics, this sets them up for a successful life regardless which direction they go in life. Children can only receive a proper education, regardless of subject, if they have a good teacher. This program could provide both. Is this program right for you? Or someone in your life? Join us on today's discussion of Rise To Liberty to find out. Check out the guests link below! ------------- GUEST LINKS:https://algebravictory.org/ ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
#RiseToLiberty #BiblicalAnarchy #Christianity I sit down with Jacob Daniel, host of the Biblical Anarchy podcast. We sit down and discuss the connection of Christianity and liberty. We also discuss the naysayers within the libertarian party and the lack of morals that some people have within the party. Make sure to check his links out below! ------------- GUEST LINKS: Podcast: https://libertarianchristians.com/shows/biblical-anarchy/Twitter: https://twitter.com/biblicalanarchy?s=21&t=KME2TcbHVS8oYyThQyuJnAYouTube: https://youtube.com/@thebiblicalanarchypodcast ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
I sit down with Doug Tuman of Monero Talk & Monerotopia. We discuss the 2023 Monerotopia conference in Mexico City. Use promo code: risetoliberty for 20% off your ticket purchase. ------------- GUEST LINKS: Website: https://monerotopia.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MoneroTalk ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr