Rise To Liberty

With modern society’s creeping despotism, you, the individual, have never been more crucial. Without the danger of violence or compulsion, people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Virtues that we all have a right to are under threat. Hello and welcome to the Rise To Liberty Podcast. Join us each week as we explore what liberty is, why you should care about it, who values it, and who despises it. We’ll push boundaries, address controversies, and question narratives. We’ll talk about how to not only protect and preserve your rights, but also how to prosper with them. We are living in grim times, yet things are not hopeless. There is no happiness without liberty. There is no life without liberty. It is now time for you to Rise To Liberty!

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Monday Apr 24, 2023

#TuskBrowser #JeffBermant #RiseToLiberty I sit down with Jeff Bermant, the founder and CEO of TUSK browser. An answer to the internet censorship. Jeff is a patriot who loves the United States and is putting his money where his mouth is. ------------- GUEST LINKS: Browser Link: https://tuskbrowser.com Tusk Twitter: https://twitter.com/TuskBrowser Tusk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TUSKbrowser/ Tusk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tuskbrowser/ Tusk YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tuskbrowser ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Monday Apr 17, 2023

I sit down with Larry Sharpe ------------- GUEST LINKS: https://Larrysharpe.com------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Monday Apr 10, 2023

#RiseToLiberty #JohnGusty #MindControl #Deception #Agorism #Hollywood #information, #spreadthetruth, #rise to liberty, #subscribe, #share, #conversation, #freedom, #stayfree, #RedPillRevolution, #healthcare I sat down with John Gusty. After over 30 years in the entertainment industry working “behind the curtain” for some of music’s biggest names, John turned his attention to health and wellness in an effort to help his wife heal from what was originally diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis. He soon realized that the same deceit and profit motive that plagued the entertainment media was even worse inside the Medical Industrial Complex. As a devout agorist and champion of individualism, he now devotes his time to producing content that celebrates the spirit of sovereignty in all aspects of life. Check out his links below! ------------- GUEST LINKS: Website: https://theredpillrevolution.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theredpillrevolution Special Audience Giveaway: https://theredpillrevolution.com/guide ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Monday Apr 03, 2023

#RiseToLiberty #PeteQuinones #Ideology #Propaganda #Progress #Libertarianism #Republicanism #Liberalism #RightWing #LeftWing #individualism, #personaldevelopment, #success, #order, #policing, #Americanhistory, #Libertarianism, #culture, #liberty, #LocalPoliticsI sit down with Pete Quinones & dive into the idea of "post-libertarianism", then we discuss the limitations of libertarian ideology while pointing out the importance of finding practical solutions to current political & cultural issues. From the importance of decentralization & individual freedom to the idea of promoting libertarian values by the use of propaganda to specifically influence the culture & politics. The left does it, why shouldn't we? This episode of Rise To Liberty podcast offers a thought-provoking, often unsettling yet calming approach to a real world perspective on the state of modern libertarianism. Listen in for a fascinating glimpse into the liberty movement & its potential impact on the future of politics & the world as we know it.------------- GUEST LINKS: Pete's Master Link: https://findmyfrens.net/petequinones/ ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Monday Mar 27, 2023

#RiseToLiberty #TysonDavidReese #Utah #utpol #utleg #utpolitics #utgop #utlp #republican #libertrian #liberty #Government #CriminalJusticeReform #CleanSlate #Tolerance #CulturalDecline #Legislation #SelfResponsibility #Accountability #SchoolChoice Tyson David Reese, a passionate and influential Libertarian from Utah, shares his insights and experiences in the fight for liberty. From topics such as criminal justice reform, the overton window, cultural decline, hedonism, and sex work, to his ongoing efforts to make Utah a more pro-liberty state, this is a must-listen for anyone who cares about freedom and wants to stay informed on the fight for liberty. He also explores the libertarian perspective on controversial issues and shares his thoughts on how to be successful in the fight for liberty. Tune in now to learn more! ------------- GUEST LINKS: Utah Liberty Talk Website: https://utahlibertytalk.com/about-us Tyson's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tr4freedom?s=20 -------------RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Monday Mar 20, 2023

#RiseToLiberty #LadyMAGA #SaveTheTomBoys #GenderAffirmingCare #TransRight #LGBT #GaysAgainstGroomers #AlphaMale #TransRights #LadyMAGAUSA #Interview #LGBTQ, #GenderIdentity #GenderDysphoria #MAGA Revolutionaries Lady MAGA USA and Jacob Johnson join forces to take a stand against gender identity manipulation by the left and the medical profession. They unpack the implications of Senate Bill 16, which seeks to protect children from gender-affirming medical treatments, and criticize the Woke Mormon Church for pushing a dangerous agenda of vaccines, masks, and teaching children about homosexual sex in fourth grade. They also discuss the non-binary community, the push for conversion therapy in the opposite direction, and the importance of helping children to develop confidence rather than mutilate their bodies. Join their cause and take a stand with them on their mission to revolutionize the world of gender identity and protect vulnerable children. ------------- GUEST LINKS:Website: https: //ladymagausa.comTwitter: https://twitter.com/LadyMagaUSA?s=20 Instagram: https: //www.instagram.com/lmusa1776/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ladymagausa7181 Happy Today Podcast Links: https://pod.link/1538034122 Gays Against Groomers IG Post: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnpSs6TLLYq/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkGays Against Groomers Twitter Post: https://twitter.com/againstgrmrs/status/1618086969900429312?s=20 Gays Against Groomers Website: https://www.gaysagainstgroomers.com ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Monday Mar 13, 2023

#RiseToLiberty #GEdwardGriffin #TheCreatureFromJekyllIsland #CreatureFromJekyllIsland #JekyllIsland #FractionalReserveBanking #NationalizedBank #FiatCurrency #Inflation #Economy #Bullion #Banking #Silver #Gold #Individualism #WakeUp #individual #Liberty #Vaccines #RightVersusLeft #GreatReset #DigitalCurrency #CBDC #GovernmentControl **ATTENTION VIEWERS** We deeply apologize but we continuously ran into tech issues with Mr. Griffins internet connection throughout the show. He will be back to make it up to all the listeners so make sure to subscribe & keep an eye out for his return coming soon! G. Edward Griffin joins us to discuss his decades-long study of the Federal Reserve System and how it is a scam engineered by the powers that be to maintain control over us. This episode will open your eyes to how the banking system is using the current pandemic to increase their control and censorship over our lives. We will be exploring the left and right wings of politics, how Congress is complicit in the scam, and the censorship of conversations about the Federal Reserve by big tech companies. Finally, G. Edward Griffin will provide advice on how to take a stand and fight for individualism and liberty. Join us for this eye-opening episode and be prepared to have your views challenged. I am honored to host this amazing guest. I hope you enjoy & make sure to check out Mr. Griffins links below! ------------- GUEST LINKS: Red Pill University: https://redpilluniversity.org Freedom Force International: https://freedomforceinternational.org Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gedward_griffin/?hl=en The Creature From Jekyll Island: https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Published-Griffin/dp/B00NBJGFD8?ref_=ast_sto_dp ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Coffee Tip w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Monday Mar 06, 2023

#RiseToLiberty #Goldback #JeremyCordon #Finance #Gold #GoldBullion #Bullion #GoldBackedCurrency #Revolutionary #Cryptocurrency #GoldStandard #RevolutionaryAct #RevolutionaryGeneration #Liberty #SoundMoney In 2019 Jeremy created the Gold product known as the Goldback. This exhibited Gold in spendable quantities for the first time. Using a patented production process, Jeremy effectively set up a novel product in one of the oldest industries known to man. After being recognized as a local currency in Utah, many states began vying for their own Goldback series. Currently, there are 4 state series and over 8 Million Goldbacks in circulation. With nothing but a dream, Jeremy created a company from an initial investment of $40,000 to one of the most bullish corporations in the United States. ------------- GUEST LINKS: Goldback Website: https://www.goldback.com Article #1: https://www.reuters.com/business/with-inflation-gold-notes-cards-find-their-way-into-americas-wallet-2022-04-27/ Article #2: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/new-private-currency-uses-bills-filled-real-gold ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Monday Feb 27, 2023

#RiseToLiberty #BrandonJoeWilliams #StateNational #Martyrdom #Escapism #SlaveState #LegalProtection #USCode #Sovereignty #Government #Codes #LibertyMatters #SelfValue #GameShow #SovereignCitizen #StateNational Brandon Joe Williams, a common law lawyer and founder of the Amnesty Coalition, will have you feeling like royalty as he takes you on a journey of learning the laws and codes of the game and how to use them to your advantage. Through Brandon's Contract Killer Course you'll learn everything from how to legally avoid paying taxes to understanding the legal definition of 'United States' & many more things the government thinks you're too stupid to figure out. With in-depth analysis from Brandon, this podcast cracks only the surface of what his course will teach you about the contracts and codes that govern us all. He helps listeners understand that anyone can use the law to their benefit, without breaking it! Brandon continues to provide advice on how to ‘break’ these contracts we are all unknowingly wrapped in and includes stories of success from those who have already used his methods. Brandon's methods can help you legitimately break these contracts, create relationships, and gain true self-value. So tune in to this episode of Rise To Liberty Podcast to join Jacob & Brandon at the beginning of this ultimate game show adventure! ------------- GUEST LINKS: Website: https://onestupidfuck.com/ Free Course: https://onestupidfuck.com/contractkillercourse Special Audience Giveaway: www.onestupidfuck.com/state-national-theory Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/one.stupid.fuck/ YouTube @onestupidfuck : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbewkObJW3oQbXMl8z2HP1g ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023

#RiseToLiberty #BreakTheCycle #JoshuaSmith I sit down with Joshua Smith, host of Break The Cycle & Vice Chair of the national Libertarian Party. We discuss inspiring the youth & the act of rebellion. You wont want to miss this! Check out Joshua's links below! ------------- GUEST LINKS: Master Link: https://linktr.ee/breakthecyclejs Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshuaAtLarge Break The Cycle YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/FightTheDespots Break The Cycle Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Fghtthedespots:2?r=CzsVsjuiMygGHJb97Utj3YCgaZukv7gG ------------- RISE TO LIBERTY LINKS: - Master Link: https://risetoliberty.com/links - RTL on Podbean: https://risetoliberty.com/podbean-home - Rise To Liberty Merch Store: https://risetoliberty.store - RTL On Odysee: https://risetoliberty.com/odysee - RTL On Rumble: https://risetoliberty.com/rumble - RTL Telegram Chat: https://risetoliberty.com/freespeech - RTL On Substack - Liberty Letter!: https://risetoliberty.substack.com - AUDIO PLATFORMS: https://risetoliberty.com/audio - Buy Fresh Coffee w/ Monero! (XMR): https://risetoliberty.com/gratuitas-xmr

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